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Ramadan Cream {comic 45}

ZED COMIC 45 'Ramadan Cream'

★ رمضان مبارك (Ramadan mubarak) and رمضان مبارك (Ramadan kareem) to all readers, family abroad and friends I rarely meet. If you're a part of my life, I wish you Allah's blessings, if I'm a part of yours, make a du`a for I, and if we've never met, may we be united in peace.

Ramadan Cream. Coming to a department store near you.

More on Ramadan:
Video: ♫ Tick Tock Ramadan (oh oh wuh oh!)
Duas For Ramadan
A Halal Kitchen: Baking Gingerbread Men
Ramadan Countdown - 10 Freebies
Zazzle Ramadan Mubarak Stickers

1 comment:

  1. I am totally going to make a Ramadan Cream.


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