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Link Love: Centre for the Study of Changing Religion & Ideology (UK blog)

a shameless plug
A quick plug of a blog I landed on that focuses on the diversity of Islam's members: 

Beautiful converts, iconic Muslims and videos are some of the highlights.
Changing Religion Ideology is bloggered by Mr. M. R. Mohamed, The Theoretician of Sri Lanka Think Tank-UK, SLGA-UK and SLMEA-UK Chapter.

More link loves:
Time For Quran.com
Salaam, The Super-Ethical Search Engine
Gummah.com, Multi-functional Homepage
Make Dua.com
Review: ImHalal.com

1 comment:

  1. AnujKumarSaini11/01/2012, 13:03

    Thanks so much for this. Higherstudy.com is a course search engine which really acts
    as a virtual career counselor to help students make smarter career decisions.
    This is rare to find. Anyway, higherstudy.com definitely someone that has something to say that people
    need to hear. Keep up the good work. Keep on inspiring the people.

    For more information regards:

    in UK


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