Review: Award Winning Search Engine
In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم
About I'm Halal
ImHalal is a new search engine created by Muslims, for Muslims. The most beneficial tool of ImHalal is the 'clean environment' meaning it prevents you from "accidentally" bumping into explicit content. When that happens with regular search engines, you can't click the X button fast enough.
Aims: "The last few years Muslims have become very active on the Internet. The lack of tools for Muslims to be able to continue their online activities responsibly has inspired to enter the search engine market. Our goal is to become the number one homepage in all Muslim households. Our main product will always remain search but we have ambitious plans to expand our product line by adding Islamic oriented tools to our homepage in the near future."

My Review
ImHalal is a nifty ethical search engine, gaining recognition in the media and making heads turn; they won the Best Halal Innovation Award in July 2010.
ImHalal works as expected - type what you're searching, view lists, click onto the next numbered page for more results, add it to your favourites (no homepage feature yet).
Pros: Open up the ImHalal search engine and you'll see a list of popular website links on the left column with an option of adding your own for quick bookmarking. In addition to the image and web options, a Qur'an search is included which renders results from
A selection of languages are available - Arabic, Urdu, Malaysian, Persian, Turkish and Indonesian. Spell check is on by default, suggested searches also appear just beneath the search bar. In the right sidebar ImHalal have added a few related search suggestions for your search query. This is a particularly useful way to navigate to just the website you were looking for.
Best of all, ImHalal "filters" out haram content. Thank Allah for that.
Cons: Unfortunately, when in an alternate language of your choice, the complete results aren't in Arabic or Persian etc, rather, you need to search your topics in the root language you want - type it in Arabic or Persian etc first.
Check out the ImHalal Blog for updates.
My Rating
In comparison to the competition (, The Islamic Search, Google, AlWahy - I'm reviewing this soon) ImHalal gets 6★ out of 10. Some broader tuning on the results, a bookmarking feature and image-only results would make a more comprehensive search tool. love users feedback, suggestions and ideas. If you would like to help them improving please contact them at:
I have developed an alternative to ImHalal called The search engine indexes Islamic websites with quality content. All sites are reviewed before inclusion. We only accept websites with quality content and reject sites with inflammatory or offensive material. – The Search Engine for Islamic Websites