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How To Read Bedtime Stories To Sick Kids

dasham brookins american muslim
Help community volunteers read bedtime stories to sick kids using iPads! Get your friends involved by sharing this {Rally} link with them.

I want to share with you again a great cause that inspires me from my inner soul to my outer hijab. I INSPIRE. Remember that name.

I INSPIRE is one of the few organisations where children are the focus. Children are listened to, read to, given comfort and someone's hand to hold. I INSPIRE reads to sick children in hospitals, which I deeply "like". Some of these children have terminal illnesses, they have no other family members and many of them are babies.

Created by our brother and Spoken Word poet Dasham Brookins from New York, I INSPIRE is a non-profit charity that's been running since June 2011, a baby itself, but taking mighty steps. Since its launch, two key areas have blossomed, I INSPIRE Hearts™, the volunteer based activism for reading sessions, and I INSPIRE Minds™, a performance portal where campus dialogues and panel discussions will inspire youth to do more for their community.

stories sick children inspire
Help make a child's stay in the hospital less strange, less unfamiliar and not so scary. Donate to I INSPIRE.

Volunteers from I INSPIRE with iPads visit the most socially and economically depressed communities. The organisation goes into hospitals, schools and pretty soon, community centres. Eventually, the organisation will swim across into British shores, insha-Allah, God willing. 

Why use iPads? iPads, an unconventional, albeit popular alternative method to reading, are hygienically safer and longer-lasting than the wear and tear of paper books. The visual and interactive elements of an iBook are far more engaging than reading from an illustrated book; and the idea of reading is to make it more than just reading, more than just education. It's a form of love, a form of arts activism.

A one-off donation of $500 will buy one iPad for an entire hospital program, while $150 will buy books and apps for five sick children, and a smaller donation of just $25 will buy two iBooks. That's not much in the grander scheme of bills.

To date, I INSPIRE Hearts™ has recruited ten volunteers and read stories to over two hundred children in the New York metropolitan area. Ma-sha-Allah, whatever God wishes. This is a great milestone and just goes to show that American healthcare, and indeed, American communities, need the willingness of good individuals to simply be there for young people.

Video link {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ydQx77plFY}

Please donate by visiting I INSPIRE {www.iinspireinc.org}. Share this link with your friends

Thanking you kindly,

Zaufishan | British Muslim Blog

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