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How Was Your Hajj? A Survey of British Muslim Experiences in Makkah & Madinah

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Have you performed Hajj and love sharing your experiences? The University of Leeds wants to know how the pilgrimage was for you.

Fill out this survey to share your Hajj story. {https://www.survey.leeds.ac.uk/hajj}
Seán McLoughlin is an Islamic Studies researcher from the University of Leeds, studying British Muslim experiences of going for Hajj.

His research will be part of the input going into the upcoming major exhibition on the Hajj at the British Museumin early 2012.

Part of this extensive research is an online survey that explores key issues in which British Muslims have valuable insight. The survey itself takes about 15 minutes to complete and has plenty of space for participants to explain the high points, and low points of their journey at length.

Questions asked include:
  • Your circumstances of deciding to go for Hajj, the arrangements, preparations and journey
  • The religious significance and meaning of being in Makkah and Madinah and performing the rituals.
  • Difficulties and facilities for the practical side of being on Hajj
  • Your experience of returning home and what it means to be a Hajji today
Seán McLoughlin has put together this online survey which is open to all British Muslims over 17, who have been on the Hajj pilgrimage recently or in the past. Please take part, be part of the interesting exhibition at the British Museum and share the survey with others.

Survey link: {https://www.survey.leeds.ac.uk/hajj}.

"Many Thanks. If you have any questions please do get in touch."
- Dr Seán McLoughlin
Senior Lecturer in Islamic Studies, University of Leeds

Image: Boston, The Big Picture.


  1. The 9th of the Zulhijjah is called Youmul "Arafah" (the day of Arafah). This is the place where Hujjaj assemble on teh plain of Arafat, six miles away from Makkah where they perform most essential part of the prescribed duties of hajj, namely teh Wuqoof of Arafat.

    Quran Recitation

  2. Maybe you can try creating
    a survey online on most British Muslims for them to answer some questions, I think
    they will not ignore answering it.


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