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Street Art for Khadijah Goes To School [Promo Video]

childrens book islam street art
Yayy, just when I thought Asim Hussain's book Khadijah Goes To School, could not excel any further, he went ahead to share the word on the streets of Canada, promoting it with fantastic street chalk-art.

Khadijah Goes To School is the new 'it' book for children and youth, making the grown ups want to join in. And they do, which is why over on my news site Muslimness, we reviewed Asim's educational book as the ultimate community survival guide.

Having been published only 5-6 months ago, Asim Hussain's book is heralded as a new style of book reading. It's written by himself and a bunch of smart children, illustrated by innocent little hands and shares the story of inquisitive 'Khadijah', who, during school, develops her own identity through questioning, perceiving and simply learning.

muslim authors children book
Canadian book author Asim Hussain packs his children's book with ideas, colour and multi-lingual translations

As a former school teacher, I would highly recommend Khadijah Goes to School for imprinting values of citizenship, individuality and the group identity, namely: being human.

asim hussain khadija goes school
A street artist illustrates the front cover of Khadijah for passers-by to start talking

The story line is a must for more mature students too, encompassing social morals, the value of multiculturalism and languages. The book, in essence, breaks down the barrier of 'us' verses 'them'.

But enough of what I think of it! Get your copy of Asim Hussain's book from the official site and check out this street-cool exclusive video of Khadijah Goes to School... Please share lovelies.

Link to video {http://youtu.be/wpyw-WnvU5Y}

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