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Formal And Casual Eid Outfits

In the spirit of enjoying Allah's blessings without taking out a loan I've opted for a hand-me-down, recycled and reused Eid. I bought nothing new apart from a £10 print dress, and that I'm donating for someone else's Eid. #It's my thing. {The Eco Muslim}

This is what I'm wearing. Ya Allah, I hope I can run in that frock.

And this is what I was going to wear. Well, I did wear and then thought "I can give this to another." Granted, it's not a "fashion statement" to donate your clothing, but generosity comes in all forms and a new dress really can make someone else's Eid that much more special.
Ramadan duas sheeple. May Allah forgive you and accept your fasting efforts.
Mucho love and respect from I. Remember me and mine in your prayers.

✰ My Birth-Day Outfits *miaow*
I bought: Bali/Thai earrings
I'd like: Marrakesh earrings
Get Fantastic Eco-Ramadan Gifts From Etsy

1 comment:

  1. Women dress suits are clothes that never go out of style. In fact it is more prevalent that ever as it suits any occasion like weddings or parties. As women make their way to society, they want to wear clothes to match their seriousness in their endeavor.


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