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Do Your Part For Al-Hijrah Masjid In Birmingham

A message from our friend Shaheen Ahmed, artist, mother and fabulous Muslim woman.

"السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

I pray you are all in the best of health and Imaan.

Al-Hijrah Mosque is walking distance from my house. I attend Jumuah prayer and study circles as well as make use of the large Islamic library that Al-Hijrah funds.

I write to you to asking for your help and support by committing to £1 a month towards our mosque project.

6 Years ago I was involved in a scouts programme that ran at  Al-Hijrah Mosque - these projects are in need of being revived - the mosque is keen to work with a wider network of communities. £1 a month is what we would kindly like you to contribute.

May Allah reward you all abundantly ameen."

Do your part. Star making a difference {alhijrahmosque.co.uk}

Shaheen Ahmed

More charitable stuff on Zaufishan's Muslimness:
The Benefits of Charity
Fundraising Season For December 2010
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