Dua': Allah Has Something Better For You
In Surah al-Qalam, chapter 68 of the Qur'an, Allah reveals a true story to remind both Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and believers to say insha'Allah.
Insha'Allah (إن شاء الله) is an Arabic saying derived from the Qur'an, meaning "God willing". Muslims use this phrase when planning for the future, in recognition that that event - and any event - will only happen by God’s will.
The story begins from verse 17 to verse 35, where Allah concludes with a question to compare a believer and a person who rejects Allah's blessings: "Then will We treat the Muslims like the criminals?" (Qur'an, 68:35)
The "companions of the garden" competed with one another to cut their fresh crops early in the morning but they neglected to say Insha'Allah, with God's permission. Because of this neglect, Allah caused their produce to rot away, to become sareem, meaning "very dark". The owners of the gardens came back in the morning intending to cut their crops, whispering with pride to keep the fruits to themselves rather than distribute to the poor. Only upon seeing their destroyed gardens did they begin to re-evaluate their actions, remarking to one another, "We have been desprived... Why did you not exalt Allah?" However, they had still not learned their lesson as they then turned on each other and "blamed" the other for being wrong doers (dhalimeen).
Allah ends this parable by explaining that life's trials can be a form of punishment for a wrong action we committed. Until we do not recognise and rectify that mistake, we may go through that particular test repeatedly until we have learned its lesson. This is tawbah; seeing our neglect towards Allah (dhulm) and repenting to be forgiven for it. Only after genuine repentance (tawbah) can a Muslim progress and earn the goals he or she aims for with God's permission. "Indeed, for the righteous with their Lord are the Gardens of Pleasure" (Qur'an, 68:34). This is a permanent Garden that is earned, built with deeds that were intended for God, not greed, unlike the earthly gardens we reap, it does not rot.
The owners of the garden attempted to rectify their situation by attributing their provisions to Allah, and realising that by depriving their work of the phrase Insha'Allah, they were in fact depriving themselves of Allah's blessings.
In ayat 32 they say,
`Asa rabbana a(n)’yyub dilanaa khayran-minhaa innaa ilaa rabbinaa raaghi boona
More Duas To Learn:
Dua: Asking Allah To Rescue You
Dua: For Leaving Home
Dua: Love الحب for Allah
How To: Perform the Du`a of Istikhirah
Dua: For When In Anguish Or Suffering
Insha'Allah (إن شاء الله) is an Arabic saying derived from the Qur'an, meaning "God willing". Muslims use this phrase when planning for the future, in recognition that that event - and any event - will only happen by God’s will.
The story begins from verse 17 to verse 35, where Allah concludes with a question to compare a believer and a person who rejects Allah's blessings: "Then will We treat the Muslims like the criminals?" (Qur'an, 68:35)
The "companions of the garden" competed with one another to cut their fresh crops early in the morning but they neglected to say Insha'Allah, with God's permission. Because of this neglect, Allah caused their produce to rot away, to become sareem, meaning "very dark". The owners of the gardens came back in the morning intending to cut their crops, whispering with pride to keep the fruits to themselves rather than distribute to the poor. Only upon seeing their destroyed gardens did they begin to re-evaluate their actions, remarking to one another, "We have been desprived... Why did you not exalt Allah?" However, they had still not learned their lesson as they then turned on each other and "blamed" the other for being wrong doers (dhalimeen).
Allah ends this parable by explaining that life's trials can be a form of punishment for a wrong action we committed. Until we do not recognise and rectify that mistake, we may go through that particular test repeatedly until we have learned its lesson. This is tawbah; seeing our neglect towards Allah (dhulm) and repenting to be forgiven for it. Only after genuine repentance (tawbah) can a Muslim progress and earn the goals he or she aims for with God's permission. "Indeed, for the righteous with their Lord are the Gardens of Pleasure" (Qur'an, 68:34). This is a permanent Garden that is earned, built with deeds that were intended for God, not greed, unlike the earthly gardens we reap, it does not rot.
The owners of the garden attempted to rectify their situation by attributing their provisions to Allah, and realising that by depriving their work of the phrase Insha'Allah, they were in fact depriving themselves of Allah's blessings.
In ayat 32 they say,
`Asa rabbana a(n)’yyub dilanaa khayran-minhaa innaa ilaa rabbinaa raaghi boona
"Perhaps our Lord will substitute for us [one] better than it. Indeed, to our Lord do we make our humble petition." (Qur'an, 68:32)
More Duas To Learn:
Dua: Asking Allah To Rescue You
Dua: For Leaving Home
Dua: Love الحب for Allah
How To: Perform the Du`a of Istikhirah
Dua: For When In Anguish Or Suffering
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