The Haiti Poster Project
This is a collaboration of artists and designers from around the world, benefitting victims of the earthquake in Haiti.
THE HAITI POSTER PROJECT seeks limited edition sets of posters from artists, designers and design firms from around the world. The donated posters will be sold online to raise money for Doctors Without Borders. As designers, we have the collective ability to do what we love, AND to create a difference. THE HAITI POSTER PROJECT has been conceived as a collective effort by the design community to unite and effect change through our work. In order for this project to be successful, we are counting on designer participation. Their goal is to raise at least: $1,000,000 for Doctors without Borders.
- DEADLINE: March 15th. Submissions after March 15th will also be accepted, but given the timeliness of the situation, we strongly encourage designers to meet this deadline.
- Posters should be specific to the earthquake in Haiti or THE HAITI POSTER PROJECT.
- When you’ve finished your design, please email a PDF or JPEG of finished poster for the site to: (At least 380px x 480px, please.) Please also include the title of the poster, your name (as you’d like it to appear) and a short paragraph about you and your poster.
- The March 15th deadline is flexible. With the Hurricane Poster Project in 2005, we were receiving posters six months after the deadline. Please be prompt. More importantly — Please participate.
- The Haiti Poster Project is not a juried show. All submissions will be posted, provided they are specific to Haiti or the Haiti Poster Project. The end goal: Raise money for earthquake victims in Haiti. If you design a poster, we will include it in the project. The Hurricane Poster Project had 185 famous and not-so-famous contributors, but the end result was a beautiful cross-section of the design community as a whole. Toodle-doo ★
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