Analyzing Surah Al Mulk (essay pt.1)
In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Peace be with you السلام عليكم
Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2
This is a very simple assignment for AlMaghrib Institute; with a 2 page limit I couldn't analyze much apart from list the explanations I studied in-depth. For an unknown reason I went with American spelling. Don't ask me why, I may have been feeling foreign.
Assignment on ‘juz 29 of Qur’an: Analyzing Surah Al-Mulk (chapter 67)
Describing the Mulk
When reading this chapter we ask: ‘what is Mulk?’ Allah Himself answers “Know you not that it is Allah to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth? And besides Allah you have neither any Wali (protector or guardian) nor any helper.” (2:107). ‘Mulk’ translates into English as ‘dominion’. This is a powerful chapter of thirty verses, describing Allah’s provision for people, it contains strong reminders of punishment for refusing to return to Allah. My aim inshaAllah is to briefly discuss this chapter’s content.
Reading and memorizing surah Al-Mulk provides spiritual fulfillment for believers; Imam Ahmad reported that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Truly, there is a chapter in the Qur’an which contains thirty ayah that will intercede on behalf of its reciter until he is forgiven”.
Verse 1 of Al-Mulk reads “…And He is over all things competent” (67:1); this knocks anything that challenges Allah. Allah makes people reflect by comparing His perfect design with the limited abilities of people: “He who created death and life to test you… [And] created seven heavens in layers. You do not see in the creation of the Most Merciful any inconsistency… And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with stars…” (67:2-5) This challenge is frequently used in the Qur'an. It is also a miraculous quality in that unlike other scriptures Allah calls readers directly to ponder and think about their Creator.
The righteous do not enter Hell
A grave punishment is described on Judgment Day for those who blatantly rejected ‘Allah’s Dominion’; “For those who disbelieved […] A wretched destination. When they are thrown into it [Hell] they hear a dreadful inhaling. It almost bursts with rage…” (67:6-8). The word “kaffara” means to cover and is a derivative of ‘kufr’ with the same meaning. Any person, who knowingly rejects Islam and covers it with lies, denies Allah and therefore commits ‘kufr’. The ‘kuffaar’ will be asked – “Did no warner come to you?” (67:8) They will see Hell in motion – ‘Shaheer’ inhaling while swallowing inmates, then ‘zaffeera’ which is a loud explosive outburst. They will say “yes […] but we denied and said ‘Allah has not sent down anything’…” (67:9). Those people are worthy of Hell because they “admit their sin”, they regret not following ‘siraatul Mustaqeem’ and say “if only we had been listening or reasoning, we would not be among the blaze”. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Al-Bakhtari At-Ta'i heard one of the Companions say that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said ‘The people will not be destroyed until they themselves confess their guilt.’ It is their denial of Allah, a recurring theme of Surah Al-Mulk, that will push them into “Sa’eer” – the roaring blaze.
Allah compares the hellish inmates with those who do fear Him. There are three states of a believing mind:
- those showing ‘ghauf’ are fearful of Allah but not scared, they are conscious of and love Him;
- the truly submissive are ‘ishfaq’ and
- once this fear/love relationship enters the heart Muslims are in ‘wajr’. Such Muslims who “fear their Lord unseen will have forgiveness and great reward” (67:12).
Allah is consistent
Scholars say verse 13 was revealed after two people quietly conversed on whether Allah is aware of their actions; in comical ignorance Abu Jahl told his followers to whisper their lies against Islam, lest ‘Muhammad’s God will hear’ (!) Allah says you can “conceal your speech or publicise it, He is knowing of that within the breasts (hearts)” (67:13). A conscious Muslim performs better when they know they are being recorded 24/7 and will see their actions on the Final Day. The next verse emphasizes Allah’s attribute ‘Khabeer’: “He is subtle, the acquainted”. The Arabic word “Lutf” is one of His 99 names (Lateef) which means Allah is gentle, able to guide people’s hearts, as well being very close and therefore experienced with His own creation. Following this Allah teaches people to maintain a halal (good, lawful) life, walking humbly on the “tame earth” and using “His provision”; why? Because to “Him is the resurrection” (67:15). A person should be collecting only good deeds, building a spiritual bank balance on a physical land that was made only for that purpose. We are reminded that death comes suddenly; we need to return to the forgiving Allah now through prayers, before death halts this.
The Qur’an asks who can feel “secure [knowing] that He with authority in the heaven would not cause the earth to swallow you…” (67:16). In Allah’s Dominion are mountains that stabilize the land, acting as ‘pegs’ to hold tectonic plates together. Allah can shake the ground into tumultuous earthquakes; should people wait until the land is destroyed before turning to Allah in repentance? Destroyed nations before are described in details such as ‘Aad, Thamud and those destroyed with a “storm of stones” in Surah Al-Fil: to show the dire consequences to arrogant disbelief. On the other hand, righteous Muslims accept Allah’s Qadr (power) and worship Him perpetually.
“Do they not reflect at the birds above them with outstretched wings […]? Nothing holds them except the Most Merciful…” (67:19). To contemplate the signs of Allah’s power makes Muslims ‘people of understanding’. They become aware that without Allah there is no protector, no other source of provision or life. This is why the following verse states “the disbelievers are not but in a state of delusion”; they are under false pretences that their armies, wealth and resources are from their own hands’ work. Surah Al-Mulk repeats that contrast between a believer and a disbeliever, the believer is guided but the arrogant “have persisted in insolence and aversion” (67:21).
If you learn anything from this, subhanAllah; all the mistakes (really, all of'em) are mine, forgive me and make du`a for me. (:
Jazak'Allahu Khairan Sr. Zaufishan. Ma'sha'allah, what a great assignment idea - since I'm not able to take such courses as Al Maghrib offers at this point in my life, its individuals like you who take the time to help your fellow Br's and Sr's just by posting this, that I and others can benefit from. May Allah Reward you for sharing what you have learned and for those who pass on this knowledge, you will insha'allah receive the blessings from that as well.
ReplyDeleteOk, onto the newly posted part 2 . . .