Tragic Moments: Support Rachid Ramda Today
Rachid Ramda today received the tragic news that his father died, his battle with leukaemia finally coming to a close last Thursday. To Allah we belong, and to Him we return; his one small comfort being that he saw his father recently.
Rachid, a 40 year old Algerian and former British resident, was sentenced in France to life imprisonment without parole in 2007 for his alleged involvement in the 1995 Paris bombings - the verdict upheld when he appealed in late 2009. Key evidence against him was originally obtained from a co-defendant who had been tortured during interrogation while in French custody. He maintains his innocence to this day.
Before he was extradited, Rachid had commented:
"I keep flying the flag of hope but I can't go on forever without Allah's Support and your support".
Many human rights organisations appear to have now forgotten Rachid. Please do not deprive him of your support today.
I, Zaufishan, am going to definitely send a letter or card to console Rachid insha'Allah. If you're able, send one too. For a group letter, simply post your comment below using the comment link. Let him know he has not been abandoned.
Monsieur Rachid RAMDA
92 1989
Div 2/15
MA Fresnes
Allée des Thuyas
94261 Fresnes Cedex,
Read more about Rachid:
{} "Who is Rachid Ramda?"
{} "My wee brother, Rachid - A prisoner of conscience"
{Algeria Watch} "An Unsurprising but Disconcerting Verdict"
Thanks to sister Maryam Hassan {}

Have written to brother Rachid and await a reply or 'RTS' criticism from authorities.. my stuff's always sent back!