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London site seeing (I) The High Streets

You are here. No wait, there, no, no definitely here.

First stop: Oxford Street. Fashion. Shopping. Extortion.

*points nose in air* ... is that..? www.ARABIAN OUD.co.uk? Oui!

Hmmm.. hibiscus, gardenia and ylang ylang...

"Ukhti, you want to go straight, left, down, right, right, right, left, straight, forward, left, right and ya'ani, you are there. Simple." ...

Euro trash.

Buddhist street singers. The shoes on my feet, I bought it, the clothes I'm wearing, I've bought it, the rock I'm rockin', I bought it, 'cause I depend on me... 

Westminster smells funny.

Tourism bait.

Financial Times headquarters in UK.

Gunpowder plot re-enactments
Right, Castles, Bridges or Parliament Squares? Choices, choices.

Lunch time.

Extended lunch time plus dessert.

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  1. Totally miss London so much. Hurmmm...thanks for posting this =)

  2. @Hijabrockers - Londoner? Did you move/leave the country? It ain't 'all that' really... Not when you're there constantly =p


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