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New BlogSite Design

Having acquired basic html and CSS skills I've managed to design my personal BlogSite Zaufishan.co.uk and edit my community website Muslimness.com to a large degree.

I was contemplating giving away a free background design that's an adaption of Basic Grey's scrapbooking papers, then realised nobody's really interested. I "scrapbook", often, and use Basic Grey scrapbooking collections often too.

This is the Basic Grey's Phoebe collection: I took a top angled photo of an Ashbury Street paper with some tools I use and the banner of my business card. This image has been used for my WorkSite background {the blog you're reading}. If you zoom out (ctrl & - / cmd & -) you'll see the photo in repeat.


Zaufishan.com Toodle-doo

1 comment:

  1. hehehehe....lumayan gk ngerti artinya....ngerti sih dikit....


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