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You have Mail - From Me!

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم

After the month of fasting in Ramadan, I celebrated the Eid (festival) by mailing Eid cards to my online pals from Facebook and Myspace etc. A fabulous brother Craig aka Yunus from USA, uploaded the Eid card I sent him on to Muxlim.

The handmade card: textured with sewing machine skills

He's a newby to Islam *yay* alhamdulillah, literally less than 2mnths old "Islamically". Also, he's an American soldier, currently posted in Kosovo, so he got my Eidmas card well over 2wks late as it was routed (no!) to New York then to Kosovo, blah. Watch his video here on Muslimness.

An important quote inside "Muslims are protecting friends, encouraging the Good"

More shameless promo: the back of the card

Pretty cool, huh? Yo, brother Yunus if you're reading, jazakAllah! = May Allah reward you with good! And the Eidy spirit aint over till the moon turns blue!
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