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MuslimGear - Call for Designs

MuslimGear have launched a public platform for budding designers to show their muslimness off on clothing... Read below for full details.

A lot of designers have designs for the purpose of dawa (inviting others to Islam), and others just want to express their opinion and share their values. Often times MuslimGear receives emails from the community with ideas, concepts and design suggestions, which has inspired MuslimGear's current designs. In the spirit of Believe In What You Wear, MuslimGear has now opened the floor for everyone to participate by submitting their designs.

Each submitted design will be reviewed my the MuslimGear design team. The designers whose designs are selected will receive a $100 gift certificate towards MuslimGear products as well as having their name mentioned on the muslimgear.com website.  

Design Rules

The designs submitted have to comply with the following rules:

1- No name of "Allah" in Arabic or English
2- No name of any of Allah's attributes in Arabic (i.e. 99 names of Allah) 
3- No Quranic versus in Arabic
4- No political or nationalistic statements
5- Design has to have an Islamic Moral message behind it
6- Design has to be original and unique (not copyrighted or copied or imitated)
7- No faces or human beings

Designers with designs selected will be notified within two weeks of their submission date. Designers may submit as many designs as they wish. This is just an open invitation to whomever would like to see their designs in production and worn by people from almost every country in the world.

How to submit your designs:

Email your designs to designs@muslimgear.com with “MuslimGear Designs” in the subject line and in the body of the mail include:
1-Your full name
2- Your contact information: email address and country
3- A description of the inspiration and message behind the design

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: What do I need to submit? 
A: You may submit an electronic graphic design, a scan of a hand-drawn design, or simply a concept or idea described in detail in writing.

Q: What are examples of designs that has been accepted in the past?
A: Some people were graphically inclined, and were able to give us a full graphical drawing on a shirt, with a lot of art and colors involved. And some have given us ideas in of text they’d like to see such as “Hijab: Oppression or Liberation? I’ll decide”. Some ideas also accepted was purely esthetics such as “I would like to see a combination of embroidered threads with embossed and flat print of the five pillars of Islam”. And others actually provided the Logos of the five pillars they would like to see. There is no golden rule to what you need to submit as long as the message is good.

Q: I have great ideas but I don’t know how to use graphical editors like Photoshop or the like for the design. Is that a problem?
A: No, MuslimGear has its own graphic designers that can shape your idea into something producible. What really matters is the concept and the message of the design. If you have an idea or a message you want to see, then you can just send the description and our designers will work with you to get it done.

Q: Does my design have to be graphical?
A: No, many of the designs that we had were simply text. An example is our popular opening design with the sentence” The Opening 1:1” on the front and the text: “114:5” on the back of the shirt. The message behind it is that the Quran from the first verse to the last verse lies between the two sheets of your shirt, i.e. in your heart.

Q: Is there a deadline?
A: It is not a competition, and there are no deadlines. In reality everyone can win if their design gets used on MuslimGear products. Nonetheless, there are production cycles involved and designs that are not picked for the current production cycle might very well be selected for the upcoming ones. Also designs that are submitted after the end of a product cycle might have to wait till the next and that can range between 6 to 12 months depending on the season.

Q: Where do I start?
A: Just start sending your ideas and designs to 
designs@muslimgear.com and spread the word. Also if you have any questions or need guidance then please don’t hesitate to contact us at designs@muslimgear.com

Good luck, beltawfeq insha’ Allah"

Check out their other hoodies & tees here.


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